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Keeping you updated

We'll aim to keep you updated on the progress and key milestones of our journey. If you require further information or want to get involved, please use the contact form or email us direct.


TCPL Business Plan 2022

Full Share Offer Document 2023

Community Benefit Society Rules

A new year....

…a new year Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024. Pub Management Update: January is renowned within hospitality as being one of the...

October and what's to come...

As you are all hopefully aware, the pub relaunch night is planned for this Saturday, 21st October. There will be live music from 7.30pm...

September Roundup

(Cymraeg) An update on what has been happening this month…. Welcome to our latest newsletter, something of which we are hoping to deliver...

On the eve of opening...

We are pleased to announce the completion of the pub takeover will be happening tomorrow, Friday 18th August, which means we will be open...

A brief update … more to come.

We are pleased to announce the completion of the pub takeover will be happening this Friday 18th August, which means we will be open...

Annual Members Meeting

The voting for the management committee closed on June 30th. All members of the society will have received notice on June 29th of the...

Management Committee Voting is OPEN!

In the last few days the Steering Group issued an email out to all shareholders. The information provided is as follows: "The Steering...

Q&A Surgery - March 15th 18:30

Following our Salusbury Arms Steering Group meeting on Thurs 2nd March, we wanted to update you on progress so far. At just over two...

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